Jan Molak on LinkedIn: Support for WebdriverIO 8 | Serenity/JS

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Jan Molak on LinkedIn: Support for WebdriverIO 8 | Serenity/JS

đŸ“£ Serenity/JS supports WebdriverIO 8 đŸ¥³ Serenity/JS 3.2.0 has just landed on #npm with support for the latest #WebdriverIO v8! Learn how to get started…

Jan Molak is a Software Development Consultant, author of Serenity/JS, and co-author of "BDD in Action, Second Edition." He helps global teams deliver impactful software. The latest Serenity/JS update supports WebdriverIO 8, enabling easy integration with WebdriverIO for BDD reporting. Molak also shares tips on managing test data using Serenity/JS Actors and Actor Notepads for cleaner test scripts. Interested individuals can join a WebdriverIO x BrowserStack Meet-up in London on April 16 to learn about automation testing workflows. Serenity/JS offers the ability to automate web, API, mobile, and UI component tests efficiently through its Screenplay Pattern libraries, promoting code reuse across various test suites. Molak emphasizes the importance of integrating BDD scenarios into existing setups for more efficient testing. Followers can keep up with Serenity/JS updates and automation testing insights on social media.