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Learn about the history of veganism and the society.

The Vegan Society was founded in November 1944, marking the beginning of the vegan movement. Veganism traces back over 2,000 years, with early influencers like Pythagoras and Siddhārtha Gautama promoting plant-based diets. In 1806, the concept of veganism emerged with objections to eggs and dairy for ethical reasons. In 1944, Donald Watson and other non-dairy vegetarians coined the term "vegan" as a concise label for their lifestyle. The society's definition of veganism evolved to encompass opposing all forms of animal exploitation. The society became a charity in 1964 and continues to advocate for veganism's ethical principles.Donald Watson's legacy in promoting veganism endures, advocating for a world where animals are not exploited, and encouraging others to embrace vegan lifestyles for the benefit of animals, people, and the environment.