Why observability matters for testers

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Why observability matters for testers

Observability is a particularly valuable concept for software testers, as it can help them to surface issues inside complex systems.

Observability, crucial for testers, helps understand complex systems and improve quality. Lack of observability can lead to frustrations and inefficiencies for developers. Observability goes beyond monitoring, providing insights into why issues occur. It consists of logs, metrics, and traces, but also requires a data-driven mindset. Testers benefit from observability by uncovering system issues and exploring creatively. It helps testers collaborate with developers and make informed decisions. To embrace observability, start by asking key questions and addressing unknown unknowns. It is vital for improving software quality and reliability throughout the development lifecycle. Observability aids in preventing issues and continuously improving systems. Testers play a critical role in leveraging observability to enhance software quality and should promote its importance within teams and organizations.