Instagram will soon test ultra-tall photos to match its full-screen Reels

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Instagram will soon test ultra-tall photos to match its full-screen Reels

9:16 photos are coming “in a week or two.”

Instagram CEO Adam Mosseri confirmed in a recent Ask Me Anything session that the platform will start testing ultra-tall 9:16 photos in about a week. This move aims to allow tall photos to fill the entire screen as users scroll through the app's feed, addressing concerns from the recent TikTok-like redesign that forced all photos into a 9:16 frame. The redesign introduced overlay gradients for text legibility, but clashed with photographers' original work. Despite the initial backlash, Instagram is still committed to enhancing the full-screen experience without making it mandatory for all users. Mosseri acknowledged the need to regroup after the redesign was poorly received, leading to some users reducing their app usage. Instagram plans to refine its content recommendations to improve user satisfaction.