How DevSecOps can curb burnout among app developers

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How DevSecOps can curb burnout among app developers

Burnout is a persistent problem in security, including among application developers. But there are tools and strategies in AppSec to help practitioners manage the burden.

In the world of application security, the pressure can lead to stressful situations and potential burnout for DevSecOps teams as they rush to prepare apps for market, sometimes sacrificing security for speed. Meaghan McBee of Invicti Security suggests modernizing AppSec with automation to alleviate stress and enhance security posture. A lack of skilled practitioners adds to the stress, as highlighted by an ISSA study reporting a shortage in the face of a rising threat landscape. Automated tools like DAST and IAST can help reduce manual work, integrate security testing into the software development lifecycle, and speed up issue remediation. Overall, automation enables teams to focus on more valuable tasks, ensuring a stronger security foundation in a rapidly evolving cybersecurity landscape.