Jay Ray & Sir Daniel | Queue Points | Black Music & History - Official Libsyn Blog

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Jay Ray & Sir Daniel | Queue Points | Black Music & History - Official Libsyn Blog

"Imagine a conversation between you and your favorite person, and you both just happen to be audiophiles who feel a deep connection to music artistry. That’s Queue Points." This series is all about Libsyn podcasters. Its sole purpose is to introduce these awesome podcasts to the world as well as share their podcasting insight

"Queue Points" is a Libsyn podcast series featuring DJ Sir Daniel and Jay Ray, highlighting various podcasts and sharing podcasting insights. DJ Sir Daniel started podcasting in 2008 with Drama Dupree on Better Days Radio, discussing entertainment and news relevant to the gay community. Jay Ray started in 2015 with Seeing Sounds, focusing on interviewing artists and supporting LGBTQ+ creatives. Together, they host Queue Points, a weekly video podcast discussing Black music history and honoring unsung Black music pioneers. They use various tools for production and promotion, engaging with listeners through Warm Welcome and promoting on social media platforms. Their show aims to pay homage to Black music foundations and amplify voices often overlooked in the industry. Both hosts reflect on their podcasting journeys, acknowledging the power of their voices and the importance of marketing in building their audience. "Queue Points" invites listeners to explore the rich history of Black music and consider starting their podcasting journey.