Украинцы рассказали, какую зарплату они хотели бы получать

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Украинцы рассказали, какую зарплату они хотели бы получать

Больше всего денег нужно для комфортной жизни в Киеве.

An investigation by Gradus Research reveals that urban Ukrainians believe a monthly income of 25,000 UAH is sufficient for a comfortable life, with the highest expectations coming from middle-aged individuals (35-54 years old) desiring 30,000 UAH. In Kyiv, residents set the bar for comfortable living at 35,000 UAH monthly. The study also shows concerns about rising food prices, with 91.7% expecting an increase, especially in older age groups. The survey was conducted through self-administered mobile app questionnaires on a population panel aged 18-60 in cities with over 50,000 residents. Minimum wage in Ukraine was raised to 6,500 UAH in December 2021, while the average nominal salary in December 2021 increased by 23.1% to 17,453 UAH. In Kyiv, the average salary reached 26,759 UAH.