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Chemotherapy is a cancer treatment that uses potent chemicals to destroy cancer cells, often administered in combination with other treatments. In Turkey, chemotherapy is commonly used, with various medications and administration methods available. Infusions, pills, injections, and direct applications are all used, typically in hospital settings. The treatment cycle can last for weeks or months, with intervals between cycles to allow the body to produce healthy cells. Chemotherapy can be administered intravenously, orally, via injections, or directly into specific areas of the body. Turkey offers high-quality and cost-effective healthcare for chemotherapy, attracting international patients seeking treatment. The success of chemotherapy in Turkey is supported by well-trained medical professionals, advanced technology, and strict safety protocols, making it a preferred destination for medical tourism. Turkey's medical facilities, affordable prices, and skilled healthcare teams contribute to its popularity as a leading destination for chemotherapy treatment, with all-inclusive packages offering convenience and quality care for patients.