GitHub - AppiumTestDistribution/appium-wait-plugin: Plugin to automatically manage all element waits and enables to write wait-free appium tests.

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GitHub - AppiumTestDistribution/appium-wait-plugin: Plugin to automatically manage all element waits and enables to write wait-free appium tests.

Plugin to automatically manage all element waits and enables to write wait-free appium tests. - AppiumTestDistribution/appium-wait-plugin

This Appium plugin is for waiting for elements to be present and has been tested with Appium v2.0.0-beta.42. Some bindings like sessionId/waitplugin/timeout are not supported, and some commands have been renamed. The plugin can be installed using Appium's plugin CLI or NPM without extra steps. It needs to be activated when starting the Appium server. Overrides for element-wait retry can be set via the appium server CLI or config file. The plugin waits for elements to be enabled before actions like click. An excludeEnabledCheck option can skip this check for specific commands.