AI-Driven Medical Care? A Health Data Reality Check

Michael L. Millenson
Time Saved: 6 Min
AI-Driven Medical Care? A Health Data Reality Check

"The reality is that we have a disaggregated, fragmented system with a lack of organization around common, transparent, high-quality information."

At the Health Datapalooza tech conference, a new national coalition was unveiled by Dr. Reed Tuckson to combat health care misinformation. The conference highlighted the challenges in America's health data infrastructure, emphasizing the need for more intelligent data systems. Issues like data standardization, interoperability, and misinformation were discussed by various speakers from government, health systems, and tech companies. Efforts are being made to address these challenges, including initiatives like TEFCA for secure data sharing. Dr. Robert Califf pointed out the need for a cultural shift alongside technological advancements to improve healthcare data systems. Overall, there is optimism about progress in leveraging technology for better healthcare outcomes, but significant work remains in addressing data-related obstacles.