Council Post: In Health Care, We Need Data Orchestration, Not Necessarily Unification

Andy Chu
Time Saved: 5 Min
Council Post: In Health Care, We Need Data Orchestration, Not Necessarily Unification

Each part of the healthcare ecosystem adds value and meaningful information to understand a person’s whole health.

Interoperability in digital health is a complex challenge where patients and providers should have access to health records across different systems, but customization creates obstacles. In healthcare, data fragmentation is widespread due to unique business structures and workflows in various systems. Big tech companies further complicate data sharing by creating their own health data silos. The introduction of digital health applications and wearables adds more fragmented data, emphasizing the need for collaboration and data sharing. Connecting data silos through open web standards and a platform for secure data sharing is crucial for understanding holistic health. An identity solution spanning healthcare ecosystems could help bridge data silos and provide a more comprehensive view of individuals' health. Overall, collaboration, not competition, is essential for improving health outcomes by utilizing all parts of the healthcare ecosystem together.