Council Post: In Health Care, We Need Data Orchestration, Not Necessarily Unification

Andy Chu
Time Saved: 5 Min
Council Post: In Health Care, We Need Data Orchestration, Not Necessarily Unification

Each part of the healthcare ecosystem adds value and meaningful information to understand a person’s whole health.

The article discusses the challenges of interoperability in digital health, emphasizing the need for patients and providers to access health records across different systems. Despite efforts like FIHR, customization in health systems creates complexities in achieving a single unified record. Data fragmentation in healthcare is widespread, with various entities having limited access or insights into a person's health data due to silos and privacy constraints. Big tech companies contribute to data silos with their proprietary data stacks. The rise of digital health apps and wearables further complicates data fragmentation. The focus should shift towards data sharing and collaboration to drive better health outcomes. Utilizing open web standards and an identity solution could help connect data silos and provide a more holistic view of people's health. Overall, the goal is to create a harmonious healthcare ecosystem where all parts work together to improve outcomes.