WebDriver BiDi: 2023 status update  |  Blog  |  Chrome for Developers

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This article gives an overview of what’s new in WebDriver BiDi in 2023.

The article discusses the latest updates in WebDriver BiDi, a browser automation protocol established as a W3C standard present in ChromeDriver, GeckoDriver, and WebKitDriver. It contrasts WebDriver with the Chrome DevTools Protocol (CDP), highlighting differences in efficiency and feature availability. The WebDriver BiDi initiative includes standardization efforts and the implementation of Web Platform Tests for various browser engines. It has been integrated into popular frameworks, addressing developer challenges by enabling logging support and other requested features. Use cases for WebDriver BiDi include verifying web page loads and automated testing for logging and exceptions. Development is ongoing through collaboration with industry stakeholders and the W3C Working Group, with a focus on user-centric use cases and Web Platform Test creation to ensure implementation accuracy. The article encourages early testing and adoption of WebDriver BiDi, along with spreading awareness through social media and engaging in spec discussions to shape its future.