Next.js + Playwright + GitHub Actions Boilerplate

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Next.js + Playwright + GitHub Actions Boilerplate

A comprehensive Todo app with APIs and E2E tests with GitHub Actions enabled. See the repository:...

The project is a comprehensive Todo app showcasing modern technology stacks like Next.js, Playwright, GitHub Actions, and Foresight for End-to-End (E2E) testing. The setup includes a Serverless Next.js Todo application using Upstash, Playwright for testing in multiple browsers, and GitHub Actions for CI/CD pipelines. Steps are provided to set up and configure these tools, including initializing Playwright, creating test scripts, and generating test reports. Foresight is introduced to monitor test performance effectively with a simpler and cleaner interface than GitHub Actions. The integration with Foresight enhances monitoring capabilities and provides features like Change Impact Analysis. This project aims to serve as a toolkit for E2E coverage in Next.js projects with APIs, testing, and automation capabilities for an efficient workflow.