【オーキッドレジデンス】ブランド|仲介手数料無料|REIT FIND

【オーキッドレジデンス】ブランド|仲介手数料無料|REIT FIND

【オーキッドレジデンス】契約金のお得さ圧倒的。比べてみれば、REIT FIND

The content provided seems to be a listing of rental properties in a REIT-branded designer apartment complex. Details include room numbers, floor plans, rent prices, no key money or agency fees in some cases, and consideration of free rent periods. Amenities such as internal corridors, internet access, and hot water supply are mentioned. Some units allow pets. The listings highlight features like fitness facilities, floor heating, and availability of free rent in certain cases. The properties are described as designer apartments with various features such as internal corridors, internet access, and hot water supply, as well as amenities like fitness facilities.