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The content discusses entering cheats in Clash Royale. It explains that cheats and hacks exist, but only a few people know how to use them effectively. It mentions that cheats cannot be entered directly into the game, as developers do not provide cheat codes due to profit reasons. The text suggests using modified versions of the game for advantages such as automatically unlocking chests, distributing cards to the clan, and other features. It warns about scammers offering cheat codes online and emphasizes the risks of downloading malicious software. The information also highlights the popularity and features of Clash Royale, encouraging players to enjoy the game legitimately. Additionally, the text includes details about Clash of Clans, mentioning that there are no options to enter codes or cheats in the game. It warns against attempting to hack online games due to legal consequences and security risks. It advises players to focus on enjoying the gameplay and interacting within the community rather than seeking shortcuts through cheats or hacks.